Yesterday evening we made a sad trip to our vet's office and had our fourth rat, Simone, put down. A few weeks ago she was found to have a mass around her kidney that was going to take her eventually. After we got the news we resolved that we'd make her final days as comfortable as possible -- that we'd go for quality of life, not quantity.
One thing that Simone's vet suggested we do for her was to take her outside and let her bask in the sunshine. So on a couple of occasions at noon, within the span of a week, I took Simone from her cage, placed her in her pet carrier filled with her bed and fleece, and took her to our backyard. After putting her carrier down I opened the top door so she could stand and look about if she chose to do so. Both days were bright and sunny.
I had attempted to take pictures of all of the rats (we're on our fifth rat, Bailey, now) we've had at one time or another but they never really turned out. But with not knowing how much time we had left (perhaps a week or two) I had to see what I could get.
Here are pictures from the first time she sunbathed on the 13th:
And here is one from yesterday:
This is my final picture of her, taken a few hours before she left:
You would have no clue that she was so gravely ill.
On both occasions she even jumped on top of the flipped-up door, despite her condition; I had to gently pick her up and place her back inside. We were outside together for almost 15 minutes. I watched her lie down in her bed, getting comfortable but very curious about being outside. For the moments that she was still she seemed to enjoy the warm least, I like to think she did.
Then I took her back inside our house. And hours later she laid herself out on the floor of her cage, her hind feet splayed out to either side. It was time.