Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I expect to see her everywhere

It's been hard on you not to have your dog, my wife told me as she gave me a long hug one recent morning. "I expect to see her everywhere," I replied.


  1. I'm sure Sadie is still everywhere with you Steve, you can't feel her yet. The pain is still too fresh and raw. When the time is right you'll notice something that makes you think "Ah Sadie" and you'll smile and be comforted. That is my hope for you anyway :)

    1. oh, she is everywhere with me, and i've had so many "ah, sadie!" moments. i go out for our evening walks, following the same paths we traveled together. i catch myself looking down at her bed in our bedroom because i don't want to step on her by accident. so many routines, so many habits that i no longer need to do but still do as they are engrained in me.

      it is still several weeks before we drive to get our new puppy, so til then i cope the best way i can.

  2. Of course you do, Steve. You probably always will. One day, you will notice that the fleeting glimpse of her in your peripheral vision or a particularly distinct memory will bring a smile to your face.

    1. at this point in time i just get wistful when i mentally put up a picture of her at places where we've been. with the sun setting later in the evening now i miss seeing our two shadows together when i go for a walk. but i do have moments when i think back on these memories, and they make me smile. and i marvel at her character and personality, and consider ourselves that our paths crossed.

      it will get better with time, but i must be patient.

  3. These are some heartbreaking pictures. I have been in your situation and sometimes I even think I see my girl.

    1. this is what i feel right now, and i tried to convey that in the pictures. although it's painful to think of how sadie used to push aside the curtains with her head to peek through the window waiting for us, i also smile when i think of how easy it was for her to learn how to do that. katie didn't figure that out until later, so we'd laugh at how she'd poke her face into the curtains and look through them.

  4. It really is hard. I still catch myself in those moments sometimes, thinking I'll see Blue or be the victim of one of her pranks, and it's been nine months since she left us. I so often think of Katie and Sadie as a unit, and it surprises me to realize they're both gone. I can't imagine our house suddenly being dogless. I am really looking forward to the pictures of your new puppy soon, though!

    1. i was so confident that we would not end up dogless. so much for that.

      i really sorry that sadie isn't around to enjoy the puppy's company. she tolerated being an only dog so well after katie's death. i was looking forward to taking sadie on another long roadtrip to a greyhound farm, and then meeting our friend's three greys and, finally, the puppy. i wanted to see her reaction to meeting a much younger version of herself. i like to think that they would've gotten along splendidly.

  5. It is not in our plans to be dogless either, but neither did either of us plan to lose two so close to each other. I still tear up when I think of Jaime and Stella, but having Kelli and Jenny now really helps. Can't wait for your new pup to arrive.
