Sunday, January 22, 2012

At times, Katie is regal...

...but this is not one of those times.


Seeing both ears "stand" like that...well, I could not pass that up.

(Shot with the Nikon D300 using the 50mm lens; aperture-priority with aperture set to f/2.8; camera chose shutter speed of 1/30 second at ISO 560; center-weighted metered; auto white balance; normal JPG.)


  1. I don't know - maybe it's just me, but I find Katie quite regal in almost every pose!

  2. I still think she looks regal! She's a Greyhound, after all! That's some lovely light you have!

  3. I have always loved the different expressions greyhound make with those cute little ears!

  4. Henry's ears stand up like that too..cracks me up

    1. katie can only make one ear stand up (the ticked right one) on purpose. so even though it's contrived, having both ears at attention is special.

  5. When I see Beryl with both ears pricked I go on high alert because I know she is too! Normally she has one up and one down. She doesn't look like Beryl on the rare occasion she has normal Greyhound ears. Katie is looking very demure and appealing, in a regal way:)
