Saturday, August 13, 2011


...the greyhounds that have gone on before us...the lost...the infirm...the ones that never got a forever home.

Candles were lit for those remembered and lost during the past year.

Remember them all.

(Shot with the Nikon D300 and 18-200mm zoom set at 42mm; program auto; camera chose 1/15 sec at f/4.5; ISO 800; center-weighted metering; normal JPG.)


  1. What a beautiful sentiment! I love the softness of the Greyhound in the background in this one. You always have a way of seeing into their souls! :)

  2. thanks, carrie. this was taken in solvang inside a tent where a pizza dinner was held during the solvang greyhound fest last february. i wanted something more than just a picture of someone holding a candle during the remembrance ceremony -- i wanted to have both a greyhound and a candle in the picture. but i wasn't sure exactly how it would happen.

    the floodlights in the tent all had rose-colored lights in them; the lighting was horrid. i stood next to someone holding a candle; a greyhound was lying on the ground beyond. when the hound looked towards the light i tried focusing on the flame and put the dog in the background. i played around with the picture in lightroom many times before deciding to desaturate the colors. this is the best i've come up with so far, but maybe i'll find something. and i think i could've come up with a better picture to express what i'm trying to say.

  3. I think it would be very difficult to improve on that shot. It is very poignant and expressive.

  4. It's perfect, Steve!

    Those ceremonies are always really something and touch people and I'm sure their hounds deep into their souls.

  5. Thank you. Just as powerful as your photo was your description. Lovely!

  6. thanks, lauren. i've been feeling a little melancholy over the misfortunes of a few greyhounds that i know.
